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Garden Party Cupcakes

15 March

Not ready to start gardening in the dirt yet?  Get your hands messy in the kitchen by baking up a batch of these sweet little garden cupcakes found in Woman’s Day Magazine. 2 whole(s) graham crackers 1 stick(s) mint chewing gum 1/4 cup(s) white chocolate melting wafers 6 thin pretzel sticks 1 cup(s) vanilla frosting Green, red, orange and blue […]

Snow White And The Seven Dwarf Tomatoes… A Fairy Tale Garden

28 February

Everyone loves a good fairy tale! Imagine letting your children or grandchildren view some of these great varieties and then bringing them to life in a garden setting. Today I am going to suggest a few varieties of tomatoes that will create a fairy tale in your own back yard. Let’s begin with the beautiful Snow White! […]

Valentines Cocoa

07 January

What do you have on the menu for your little family?  How about some delicious hot cocoa with marshmallows? Shelf Reliance offers a delicious THRIVE chocolate drink mix that can be enjoyed both hot or cold! It is made from cocoa and nonfat milk.  This mix is a great source of iron, making it a […]