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Gluten free information, freeze dried food information, and recommendations.

Garden Party Cupcakes

15 March

Not ready to start gardening in the dirt yet?  Get your hands messy in the kitchen by baking up a batch of these sweet little garden cupcakes found in Woman’s Day Magazine. 2 whole(s) graham crackers 1 stick(s) mint chewing gum 1/4 cup(s) white chocolate melting wafers 6 thin pretzel sticks 1 cup(s) vanilla frosting Green, red, orange and blue […]

Daily Calorie Needs for Children and Adults

12 February

Children require different calorie intakes than adults. When purchasing food storage intended for children, it is very important to consider these numbers. But, even more important than calories, is the necessity to store items that your children will actually eat!  It doesn’t do any good to store foods based completely on numbers if they are […]

Valentines Cocoa

07 January

What do you have on the menu for your little family?  How about some delicious hot cocoa with marshmallows? Shelf Reliance offers a delicious THRIVE chocolate drink mix that can be enjoyed both hot or cold! It is made from cocoa and nonfat milk.  This mix is a great source of iron, making it a […]